Showing 19–20 of 20 results

  • Wild Thistle


    For over 500 years the thistle has been one of the most important symbols of Scotland. Legend has it this hardy, spike filled plant saved Scots warriors from potential ambuse from an invading Norse army.  Many say the magnificent thistle is a weed…we prefer to see it as a strong, free spirited flower which is hardy, resilient and persistent…after all ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’

    Captured within this  Wee Piece of Scotland bottle is a hand picked, dried and bottled thistle head.(and yes they do hurt when foraging for them!!)  This thistle is a hardy symbol of resilience,  devotion, bravery, determination, and strength. Where one person sees a  weed ,  another view a flower.  In other words as the Scot’s say ‘We’re a’ Jock Tamson’s bairns!’  (We’re all God’s creations, nobody is better than anybody else – we’re all equal.)

  • Wishes


    An alternative ‘flower of Scotland’ can be found in the spring dandelion.  The curse for many a keen gardener, but truly a beautiful flowering plant which has three phases to it’s growth.  The three phases represent the sun, moon and stars. The yellow flower represents the sun, the white puff ball represents the moon and the dispersing seeds represent the stars. So when we blow the seeds to make a wish…we are wish on the stars.Many people believe that dandelion seeds will carry your thoughts and dreams to loved ones when you blow them into the air.